los angeles burning - a photoset on Flickr
Big fire up by the Hollywood sign yesterday.
Here's a link to someone's photos of the event. Pretty crazy shit.
los angeles burning - a photoset on Flickr: "los angeles burning"
Big fire up by the Hollywood sign yesterday.
Current listen: LCD Soundsystem - North American Scum
Best Onion story in months.
Kudos to Chris for the shot.
Thanks to Niko Demus for the hot tunes.
Thanks to Jess for being so much fun. (pictured here).
Kudos to Chris for the shot. (pictured in this one).
Thanks to Niko Demus for the hot tunes.
Thanks to Jess for being so much fun.
again! again!: "Current listen: Modest Mouse - 'Missed the boat' (featuring James Mercer from the Shins on backing vocals)
Gator Boyz are still Hot, yo!
The Gator Boyz are - woooooooooooooooo! - hot!
"One of the weirdest things I've ever seen. Girls in bikinis catching giant catfish with their bare hands. Also known as 'noodling', this is illegal in 46 states."
It's time for stats to reappear on a regular basis here at AgainAgain. We hope to start regularly uploading files to the music blog, too.
Bush Announces Iraq Exit Strategy: 'We'll Go Through Iran' | The Onion - America's Finest News Source
Even if you don't like sports at all, you should watch our resident, um, unique individual. Joakim Noah (son of French tennis star Yannick).
This is him celebrating after winning the SEC title. Usually the guys stand idly by, waiting to be interviewed by the announcers.
Noah? Well, sometimes exuberance isn't irrational, just emininently watchable.
I love this (and last) years' editions of the Gator basketball team.
From adfreaks http://adweek.blogs.com/adfreak/2007/03/bagel_shop_need.html
This ad, for the River City Bagel & Bakery in Boise, Idaho, reportedly ran
in the Boise Weekly. No wonder the place has a ³fun atmosphere.² Scan by
silent7seven. UPDATE: It turns out The Vagina Monologues is playing in town.
I used to go to this bar all the time when I lived in Madrid. I miss those
times and all those good, good people, and the Spanish side of my family.
Music For Kids Who Can’t Read Good � String Quartet Tribute - Arcade Fire: "If you’ve followed this site long enough, you might remember a time when I posted a new String Quartet Tribute album every week. While those days are long dry, I still have a soft spot for the SQT and while I was perusing emusic today I noticed that they were releasing their tribute to the Arcade Fire’s Funeral today (conveniently linked to the Neon Bible release date).
This article references this YouTube clip.
Something that I've been contemplating lately here in LALAland. Especially while getting a recent promotion which my friend Christy partially attributes to wearing suit jackets at work.
Can we just get rid of this fucking thing? I hate it more than I hate the electoral college. End mini-rant.
Christian parents say promoting abstinence would be more effective. From LA Times
Maybe we won't be so eager to head off to Jo'burg for the 2010 World Cup. We'll just wait and see it here in the States.
Nice quote from Barack Obama in a Maureen Dowd article.
From the Beeb :
I really don't want to discuss where this came from. But it's a man with a large butt destroying a miniature city.