Friday, May 21, 2004

Starting over

The thing about SF, is that there's few enough friends, or friends that aren't friends enough, that I could start over, reinvent myself again.

And without the weight of any romantic entanglements, and with the momentum of new anti-convulsant, anti-depressant, anti-bipolar drugs, I could really start over. I might even permanently go to Magellan. Who knows.

I think I had a point here.

I'm overcompensating. Giving my people too much water before leading them into the desert for 40 years.

A list of songs of comfort and hope in the face of bad things:

Float On - Modest Mouse
Sit Down - James
Beautiful Day - U2 (listen to the lyrics)
This Song - (Kate's mix tape - please Add the artist to COMMENTS)

And if ya'll have anything else to add, please add it.


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