Saturday, January 08, 2005

My 15 Favorite Songs of the Year That I Could Draw (tiny mix tapes)

My 15 Favorite Songs of the Year That I Could Draw (tiny mix tapes)

Even though we're now 1/52 of the way through 2005 (the year we leave the hive!), it's not too late to look back at the great music of 2004. I'll be putting up a bunch of links to music sites' top of the year, and listing my top 10, with the songs you haven't heard to death (Float On, anyone) posted here for your enjoyment.

Tiny Mix Tapes: "I like to draw songs I like. It's that simple. So this is not a definitive list of the best songs of the year. Some of my favorite tracks -- including 'Seventeen Years' by Ratatat and 'Drop It Likes It's Hot' by Snoop Dogg -- I just couldn't visualize and thus never drew. Also, a song has to really hit you in the gut to make your colored pencil move, and these songs all led to pretty cool images (in my mind. they may not have translated onto paper as well as I hoped).

But I did rank the songs I did draw in order of greatness; hopefully that gives this list some listness. So enjoy the drawings, and I hope it allows you to see these songs in a new light and enjoy them in a new way. I know these songs all meant a lot to me. Oh, and I'm not 13 years old. For the record."


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