Monday, April 19, 2004


Miguel Stock Exchange (MigSEx - sorry, i couldn't resist).

New Psychiatric Diagnosis: Even/Sideways.
New Meds: Even/Sideways.
Possible side effect my skin falls off in a terrible rash: Market jittery.
But both only because the whole market is down.
No One Show: Down.
Remembering other show award: Up.
Back shaky today: Down.
No email from crush: Continued downward trend.
Poker game theoretically getting better: Up.

Overall, the MSX is generally down today. Trading was mixed, with shorts getting a run in from the Japanese. Party on Friday improves outlook for the week, and Coachella in the near future provide a near term positive projection. Long-term, lack of stem cell development for back transplant indicates a bear market for years to come.

Recommendation: Hold.


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