Monday, October 29, 2007

Transparency is not mindless

So, I've been drinking way too much lately. That might not be apparent to all of my friends, because no one friend is catching the whole picture.

Meaning no one is calling me on partying too much, because there's no way of any of my current friends noticing how far gone I've gone.

To that extent, I'm going to start publishing my drinking stats here, in the hope that you, my fine readers (both of you), will call me out on it.

The biggest problem I've been having is drinking on my own lonesome. For example, Friday night I had 1 1/2 bottles of wine. Alone. Playing Halo 3 online.


Followed by Saturday, drinking during the Florida game (a 6pack). Which might've been ok, but instead of cutting myself off and sobering up for the Halloween party at the Korean porno studio, I went to the store and got another 6 pack. Then stayed home again that night.

Sad and unhealthy.

Yesterday was a slightly better day. I only drank a 6 pack on my own, smoked a bunch of pot and watched football and the world series in a haze.


And that pretty much holds true to form for my drinking over the past 4 weeks. That's no good. I've been talking with my therapist about not being mindless, and yet what do I do every chance i get? Yeah.

So, please send me your encouragement and give some tough love. I don't mind going out and getting drunk, as long as it's with you, the folks I know and love. Staying home and getting drunk = not cool.

Thank you,


Blogger froggyprager said...

Hi M-

I know that I am not one of the friends you were hoping to reply to your post but I do check out your blog from time to time and wish I lived near you so we could go out for a drink or something. I saw something the other day in the news about Abu Dhabi (sp?) and thought of you. I don't have any profound advice but hang in there, if I did not have two maniac kids to look after I think my depression level would be much higher.

I started a blog. Check it out:
nothing too deep or creative but just stuff that interests me.

My wife is trying to get me to take the kids to Disney hell, if I go I may contact your folks. My in-laws live near Miami in the winter. I hope it doesn't freak you out that I read this thing. In some ways I am living vicariously by reading your blog. My life is not nearly as exiciting as yours or as it was when I was studying abroad in Amsterdam.
PS I have always wanted to go to BM

8:32 PM  
Blogger miguel said...

Thanks Michael.

No problem on you commenting or reading. This is a public forum. 8)

How old are your kids? You should definitely take them to Disney (but this is important) but not during the summer. FLA is too brutal and it just ends up with everyone hot cranky and crying.

BM will welcome you when you have a chance to go. Never too old...

Will look at your blog now.

8:37 PM  
Blogger froggyprager said...

Shoshana is 5 1/2 and Avi is 2 1/2. Here are some photos that a friend put on line. We were thinking this winter or spring for disney but it may be on hold until next year.

I like that you are an Onion fan, you know it is orginally from madison and I bike by their local office often (where they do the financial stuff and AV club).

take care

8:53 PM  
Blogger miguel said...

Send me an email at ideateller of the hotmail variety.

Beautiful kids. Always had good feelings about Dana (please tell me I got your betrothed right.)

It's late. Colbert is on. Tired. Sleepy. Very. Sle. Epy.

11:39 PM  
Blogger k8 said...

i love you, dear, and if you weren't so far away i would take you out drinking every chance i got and then scold you for drinking too much.

instead lets have a sensible evening when i'm there next weekend and you can color inside the lines for me of the picture you're currently painting.

12:49 PM  

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