Thursday, April 12, 2007

Crocodile chomps off vet's arm - and then it's sewn back on | the Daily Mail

Never fuck with an angry reptile, a lesson that Ohio State has yet to learn... Crocodile chomps off vet's arm - and then it's sewn back on | the Daily Mail: "Crocodile chomps off vet's arm - and then it's sewn back on
Last updated at 16:45pm on 12th April 2007

WARNING: This story contains strong images

This is the moment when a huge crocodile took a severe disliking to his vet - and chomped off his arm.

And remarkably zookeepers managed to retrieve the limb and re-attach it to its rightful owner.

The medic was trying to remove a tranquiliser dart from the 440lb Nile crocodile's hide when it clamped his jaws around his forearm and tore it off.


* Video: See the aftermath of the arm-eating crocodile (Windows)
* Video: See the aftermath of the arm-eating crocodile (Real)

The croc then turned and fled before settling contentedly with the limb hanging from his mouth.



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