Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Today's stats brought to you by the Hybrid Camry: "It's for your future."

Location: Venice

Sleep: 6 hours, past 3 nights
Drinks: 0 past 3 nights
Drugs: none for a while
Back: Kinda stiff lately.
Effort: 1. Hard to be efforting when you're exhausted (I know this because Tyler Durden knows this.)
Engagement: 1ish
Loneliness: 2 (1 being alone in a fundamentalist city)
Newness: 1.
Fun: 2
# of words I wrote down after therapy: 8
Percentage of self that believes that next year at this time I will be happy:
Brutally truthful answer to 'How you doin?': (with 1000 yard stare) fuckin' exhausted
The only even prime number of directors we talked to about our Wells Fargo spots today: 2.

Today's extras
Items knocked off to-do list - 2 (but very minor)
Current read: can't remember the title - it's about global warming and by Kim Stanley Robinson
Approx # of different times I sang bits of One Man Show today: 43
Thing I'm most excited about tomorrow: My psych giving me sleeping pills
Yeah, but besides that?: free food during a screening from my friend Becki
# of things that I really didn't feel like doing but had the discipline to do anyways: 0
# of tomatoes I bought yesterday that I think will go bad: 1/1

# of times I watched the "For your futura" spot at and laughed: 2


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