Wednesday, March 16, 2005

ashes and snow exhibit in nyc

ashes and snow exhibit in nyc

From Ashes and Snow exhibit.

NEW YORK, NY, March 03, 2005 ? Recently, you may have noticed huge, mysterious photographs of elephants on the sides of buildings all around town. They're not accompanied by any text, or other clues as to why they?re there.

They are the work of Gregory Colbert. On Saturday, a temporary museum built specifically for his exhibition "Ashes and Snow," opens at Pier 54, just off West 13th Stree


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i confess.

four weeks ago i stole one of these beautiful prints from a metro north train. (the one with the girl and the cheetah.)

a colleague of mine and i later discussed that that's perhaps the gold standard of advertising. . . . 'stealability factor'

of course the 'product' here is art, so that's an unfair advantage.

. . .i am keeping an eye out though, for the reebok lucy lui ad that says 'i try to believe like i believed when i was five years old. when my heart told me everything i needed to know.' i'm hoping it will make the leap from glued-on subway poster to the nice thick (easily removable) prints that go into the metro north frames! . . .

which brings me to a question for you:

when an advertiser buys media, they are paying for impressions. by stealing the poster the first day it was up, i deprived mr. colbert of the impressions that particular poster would've gotten in that location. but by "relocating it" let's call it, and framing it, i will be exposing it to potentially hundreds of people who could see it in my home over the course of many years and become interested in his art.

in your opinion, miguel, do you think i should feel somewhat guilty, not at all guilty, or very guilty about the relocation of this poster?

-conflicted ad thief

p.s. the poster i stole had his name, and the exhibit name and date on it.

p.s.2 i hope and plan to someday be able to purchase art from mr. colbert, though do not now have the means.

12:57 PM  
Blogger miguel said...

at the risk of crashing the entire Internet by pretending to be the Times' ethicist (ha!), here goes:

when an advertiser buys media, they're looking to make a certain amount of impressions with a certain target group. and even if somehow, someway, you were to provide more impressions of the same work *over the same period of time*, you'd still be taking from the livelihood of the media owners.

stealing, however, is stealing.

NOTE: to a certain degree, 'stealability factor' is a positive. some agencies and advertisers may actually not mind if that happens. Reebok, for example. but a smaller entity has more at stake per ad placement.

however, as someone who has recently spent time in jail, your offense is a very, very minor one and your intention of purchasing a piece of art someday is more than enough for me.

re: lucy lui. you can probably write to the agency that does the Reebok work (mcgarrybowen in new york city) and ask if you could receive a 'reprint'. ad agencies print up reprints for the purposes of self-promotion, and let's not kid each other, trying to win awards. so they should have a few to spare.

1:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow. so you and martha are both enjoying convict chic?

what were you in for?

1:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow. so you and martha are both enjoying convict chic?

what were you in for?

1:39 PM  
Blogger miguel said...

My net worth went up 0% while I was in jail.

Just public intoxication. No arrest. No fine nor court date. To quote Modest Mouse, "Collected my belongings and I left the jail.
Well thanks for the time, I needed to think a spell.
I had to think awhile. I had to think awhile.

1:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

did you meet anyone interesting?

2:09 PM  

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