Thursday, September 09, 2004 Page 2 - My NFL Preview, via 'Goodfellas'

Nononononnono, wait. This isn't a sports post. You can follow this to the Sports post, but this bit is actually funny. Page 2 - My NFL Preview, via 'Goodfellas': "While we're here, a complete list of my favorite gangster names from 'Goodfellas:' Sally Balls, Nicky Eyes, Fat Andy, Frankie the Wop, Freddie No-Nose, Pete the Killer, Jimmy Two Times, Johnny Roast Beef. At gunpoint, I think my favorite one was Frankie the Wop, since 'Wop' is an old-school nickname for Italians -- not quite derogatory at the time, but not complimentary, either. (And yes, my Mom's whole side of the family is Italian, so I know these things.) And yet, everyone in Paulie's extended gang was Italian or at least half-Italian. So for someone to be nicknamed 'The Wop,' I mean, you had to be REALLY Eye-talian. That's like if Bird and McHale had nicknamed Greg Kite 'Honky' on the '86 Celtics. It's almost a tribute."


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