Wednesday, September 08, 2004

local adoption speech friday

From the Oregonian. This kinda fits in with part of what I get out of Burning Man and the Temple. Also with an art piece I hope to do for next year's Burn (it was thought that the art this year was lacking. I intend to help change that.) Search: "Brown often counters charges that she groups adult adoptees as somehow 'dysfunctional,' which she calls 'absurd.'
'They're great people with great lives and jobs and families,' she said. 'They are not walking around as the crazed walking wounded. But they're functional people who are angry about what they experienced because their parents didn't know.'
She sighed. 'Our children adore us. There is no question about that. They love us as much as they love the parents they were born to,' she said.
'It's just that most would prefer not to have lost a set of parents first.' "


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