Weltschmertz and Boots'n'All pt II
that post and subsequent comments makes my heart ache.
talk of travel and home. i want a home so badly but i also want excitement and mystery and adventure get bored by the same old thing quickly. what i think i ache for more than great adventures is a home that I love with a life that I love.
i think all of the moving around I did as a kid did something to my psyche and gave me a sense of displacement and the longing.
there's a saying that many adoptive parents use. they say 'all we can do is give our kids roots and wings.'
sometimes I feel trapped in limbo between the two - not having put down roots and being restless, but not having developed the wings to travel as much as the boots'n'all members either. (Spain notwithstanding, but even that could be understood as a search for roots.)
the Germans have a word - Weltschmertz (sp?) that means a longing for a place you've never been to before. my weltschmertz would be for home.
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