Damn evil kings.
Urban Primitive Body Design, Toronto, Canada 416.966.9155 My most recent and meaningful piece, and the piece of which I am most proud to date, is a depiction of Raven and the Sun. According to the ancient legend, Raven stole the Sun from the house of an evil king, who kept it tightly sealed in a box. As he flew higher and higher into the sky in order to escape the wrath of the king, pieces of Sun broke off to become the Stars and the Moon. Finally, Raven flung the Sun high into the sky, where it gave warmth and light to the World. Where once there existed a dull, flat depiction of a Tlingit wolf-head on my forearm, there is now a piece that ripples with energy and power, and that conveys a beautiful story in a way that I did not feel was remotely possible. In many respects, this story represents my belief regarding body art: that it is an expression, and release, of the inner self, made visible for one to see. One day, I hope to have Daemon place a representation of the Sun placed upon my back, memorializing my own ongoing, personal question - the exploration of my inner, spiritual self.
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