Y'know how you can thank a Veteran today on Veterans' Day? Buy a zine.
Somewhere on this guy's page is a visitor counter. It says, I have 7863 crushes. I bet I've got at least 5, 6 if you include Cousin Brant (i don't.)
BRAINFAG COMICS On other fronts I still haven't inked a page of BF7 in ages. I sat at the desk the other night and.. continued to sit.. sat some more.. sometimes a drawing desk can be the most intimidating, inspiration-draining object. So I tried to write for Shrike. Same thing. Coffee didn't even help. Crap.
Fall is here and the rain is on the road which comes up and around my bike tire and shoots onto my ass. Work conveniently keeps me anchored during bikeshop vending hours so I haven't equipped myself with fenders yet. Therefore, I tote the wet ass. I hate getting wet. And cold. Like a cat, I wilt my whole face into a frown and brew in irritation.
October 29, 2002
Coming home from work at 4pm, I stop at at the Goodwill and find a wig pretty dern close to what I'm looking for to actualize my Harpo Marx costume. I continue home, make a sandwich and turn on the TV. My neighbor Sarah visits and talks excitedly aboug Digimon. After she leaves, I find myself frozen with ennui on the couch. I fall asleep from 5:30 to 8:00. Get up and make another sandwich, turn on the TV again. I'm mesmerized by decent writing on a ridiculous sitcom, which happens to star Nicole Sullivan, one of the very few artists-in-mass-media that triggers some sort of irrational fan response from me (along with Frank Black & David Lynch). I call a girlfriend from some 7 years ago I haven't talked to in 4 years. I call an old friend in Hawaii I haven't talked to in ages.
I call Abi, get her address, and 2 minutes into the conversation she tells me she wants to go so she can talk to her roommate Sara because she hasn't talked to her today, thereby confirming her place as the queen of unintentionally super-rude statements. Ugh. (& much like so often when we were dating, I can totally see myself saying this to her and her giving me this blank, innocent look--making me feel suddenly guilty for having found that rude.) Ugh!
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