Wednesday, October 09, 2002

a fansite...Will Ferrell Greatest Moments You will note that I have no George W. Bush sketches on this list, and very few from 2000 or after. George W. Bush, I feel, is incredibly limiting to a man of Will's talents and range, and I think it's a shame that he will be most remembered for playing the president. He basically carried the show for 2 or 3 years, and did far more hilarious and innovative characters before he played Bush. I also only used one occurrence of a recurring character, such as Celebrity Jeopardy only showing up once on the list. If it was a very popular recurring sketch, I only picked the best one of the bunch. And as for more recent sketches, I feel that everything he does now he has done before on SNL. You can't be on the show for 6 years and not repeat mannerisms and characters. So while I feel he is still the funniest one on the show, I also prefer to honor his earlier SNL stuff, when he was more unknown and less established. Furthermore, I really feel you need to see a sketch two or three times before you can judge its place in history, and as I have seen his more recent work once or twice, I don't think it has passed the test of time yet. Who knows, I may make some changes to this list down the road.


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