A Big Budget Anti-Suicide Bombing PSA - Newsweek The War on Iraq - MSNBC.com
A Big Budget Anti-Suicide Bombing PSA - Newsweek The War on Iraq - MSNBC.com: "June 20, 2006 - Remember the egg, the frying pan and the message? 'This is your brain,' the ominous narrator told us before cracking an egg over the sizzling skillet. 'This is your brain on drugs.' Public service announcements have changed a lot since that foreboding culinary lesson. They now include exploding cars, flying Matrix-style stuntmen and exceedingly dire messages like 'Don't Suicide Bomb.' A new, American-made PSA aimed at discouraging these deadly attacks is currently in production. The ad is slated to air as a 60-second spot on Iraqi television this summer."
the ludicrous and completely futile nature of that idea is the sort of thing that--on a less stable day--makes you start laughing, lightly at first, then more and more hysterically, until you start sobbing and end up on a 45-minute crying jag while one of your best friends tries without result to convince you that 'everything is going to be okay, sweetie...'
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