Tuesday, March 02, 2004

drunken miscellany, hidden remote

yeah, mofos, i hit 30-50 tennis balls tonight, exactly 1 year after hurting my back while trying to impress a future University of Arkansas tennis coach. (semi-true).

John Edwards dropped out of the dem's pres ra.

I had a shot with Sean at Big Ads (currently R-West, home of the Trunk Monkey. That's about a once every 6 months average. Or somewhere around a .010 batting average. It's necessary for my survival. And my liver. If only Mickey Mantle would've been so smart.

I meant to make Jen Collins a mix cd for her birthday entitled 'Songs for a Badass woman by Badass women.' but didn't get around to it. Central on it was a mix of 'Birthday' by the Sugarcubes (Bjork's band with some annoying guy shouting about Lobsters) by Justin Robertson.

Shortly after meeting Jen, I told her her equanimity could be read as disingenuosness.

Actually, what I said sounded a lot more like Vorgon poetry, but it was *my* birthday, and well, I could slander people as well as Karl Rove.

Anyhow, she's 41. Or as I tell people checking my ID, 'Celebrating 20 years of drinking.'



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