Back in the USA Today
Back in my USA Today Travelling Businessman lifestyle, this time at the Red Lion Hotel, which is not a suite. In addition to losing a kitchen and a tv, the quality of the room seems down a notch. No jacuzzi, sadly.
To make up for it, they put the USA Today on the doorstep as opposed to next to the free breakfast buffet downstairs.
There is an 'Irish' pub downstairs though. There's something inherently, wonderfully odd about drinking at hotel bars to me. Especially when you can network with other businesspeople. I need to go to an instyprint and get some bidness cards made up.
Been tossing around the idea of making up cards for my freelance business which would say, 'Miguel Caballero, P.I.'
But that's not going to cut it in jet lag single-serving world. There's always 'Import/Export' which works wonders on the pacific rim, but I don't think I *want* my fantasy career to be that.
This book presented a wonderfully displacing view of Airworld, which presents frequent flyer miles as the ultimate goal of any sane businessman. I don't even have an Alaska Airlines frequent flyer number.
On further thought, I think I want to be a forensic accountant. No, something skewed on that. Like a forensic actuary. ('It's all hush-hush. Can't talk about it too much, my new friend,' he says over his 4th whiskey and diet coke (Atkins has worked wonders), 'But let's just say the Swiss while secretive, are rather predictable.')
OK. Now, i've got to go back to work.
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