Tuesday, January 06, 2004

Mama McNabb

I can't link to the article, but in an article about Donovan McNabb, there's this quote from his mama:

After a season of serious change, this transformation seems too easy for Donovan McNabb. Inside a cramped office at the Children's Crisis Treatment Center in downtown Philadelphia, the Eagles quarterback pulls on a pair of red velour pants that barely cover his knees. Next come rubbery black boots, a stomach-enhancing pillow and an oversized jacket. Finally, after tugging a stringy silver wig over his cornrows, McNabb moves tentatively to the door for inspection by the top elf herself: Wilma McNabb.

Mother and son whisper, their voices drowned out by a screechy rendition of "Jingle Bells." As the song dies down, McNabb sighs, reaches under his puffy white cuff and wriggles off his diamond-encrusted watch. He drops it into Wilma's hand, and turns to meet a group of kids.

"I'm sorry, honey," Wilma says. "Santa doesn't wear bling-bling."


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